Saturday, January 30, 2021

Adventures in Saltmarsh - Session 1


♦ Solace (female tiefling bard, haunted-one background)
♦ Magnus Argyros (dragonborn sorcerer) 
♦ Naero (human paladin)
♦ Sir Drake Mc Gruff (halfling rogue)
♦ Aranthir (elf rogue)
♦ Rok Stonefist (half-orc barbarian)

The story starts in a tavern, The Snapping Line. There are a few interesting patrons here tonight. A half orc barbarian is telling a story of how he thwarted a spineless noble with his heroics. Commoners cheer at every twist of the tale.

Solace gets one of her strange visions about the half-orc, and she pays close attention to the story, concerned about the man. Though he looked like he could handle himself, she saw hints at a potential retribution from the noble, Gellen Primewater, a gruesome image of the barbarian skewered by several spears.

In another part of the tavern, there was talk of a haunted mansion and some adventurers started talking about going there for loot and glory, and to protect the town, as other curious folk who'd gone there before never returned.

Solace gets involved, wanting to help the group and the town, she does a small performance to earn her a bed in the inn, and in the morning the group gathers for breakfast.

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